Appointment Logjam

It’s a weekly conversation that Nicole and I have. I asked Nicole what appointments Maddie has, and which ones need to be covered. Nicole and I share the load pretty evenly, so I figured it might be one early morning appointment that would have to be covered. We both were stunned when we looked at Maddie’s appointments and figured out Maddie has six appointments in the span of four days.

I’ve written before about the difficulties finding childcare for Maddie. The scarcity of childcare providers that will take a child with special needs, as well as the cost, always has Nicole and I on alert. We’re fully aware that one of us might have to sacrifice our career for Maddie’s well being. It’s the same with Maddie’s appointments.

Nicole and I are very upfront with our respective employers about Maddie’s needs. When I was looking for a career change last year, I laid it all out on the table. I remember my current employer didn’t even bat an eye. They told me that whatever I needed to do, my family would always come first. I was a bit hesitant at this openness and willingness to be so flexible with my schedule. However, now that I have been there for a year, I’m so happy that I work for an employer that puts an employee’s family first over productivity or attendance. I realize that not all employers are like this.

Typically, Maddie has two appointments. It’s her weekly physical therapy appointment and then her speech therapy appointment. Maddie got pretty sick around the holidays, so we had to move an ophthalmology appointment. With Maddie going to school next fall, we’re having a pre IEP meeting with her early developmental coordinator. Also since Maddie is going to school, she will need to be fitted for a wheel chair. This is because she is not yet walking.

In total, we will be driving about 9 hours for these appointments. They will take about an hour each, except for ophthalmology. In total, we will have around 8 hours of clinic time. In addition to the 17 hours of appointments and drive time, Nicole and I will both put in 40 plus hours at work.

Having a special needs child isn’t for the faint of heart. We are constantly on the go, and we are constantly tired. The end product is worth it however. For the most part these upcoming appointments won’t give us any surprises. The only big question is whether Maddie will need surgery to correct her eye turn, or if it can corrected by patching and glasses.

Please pray for us while we are on the go this week. You all are constantly in our prayers and we appreciate you following us on this journey. By the end of week, we’ll be battered by another strenuous week, let’s just hope Maddie lets us sleep in.

-Written by Adam Birchmeier


Smiling Through the Pain

