Next Stop Denver

There have been some new developments on the Angelman Clinic front. We now have a date! A few weeks ago North Carolina called. They wanted us to be there on Maddie’s birthday. Since we are doing a summer break in Maddie’s therapies, we thought this might be a bad idea. We asked for a September date, however one was never set for Maddie.

In doing more research, we found an Angelman Clinic in Denver that does all the same specialties as North Carolina. Nicole e-mailed that clinic and described Maddie’s situation. Immediately we got a response back from one of their speech therapists. Not only did a date get set, but the speech therapist from Denver has been in contact with Mary Free Bed.

Denver reached out to Mary Free Bed in regards to the methods they’re using in speech therapy currently. Apparently the methods that MFB were using, isn’t conducive for children with Angelman Syndrome. This is one of many reasons why going to an Angelman Clinic is so beneficial.

I’ve talked about how rare this syndrome is. It’s funny when speaking with people in the special needs services, a lot of people haven’t heard of the syndrome either. Being able to see specialists who focus on this syndrome will take away a lot of apprehension for us. When we go to Denver, Maddie will be seeing Genetics, Neurology, Developmental Pediatrics, PM and R, a Dietician, a Speech Therapist, an Occupational Therapist and a Physical Therapist.

This will be a big day for our little one, but I’m excited to see the strides she makes moving forward. The appointment isn’t until November, but we are so excited to finally have a date.

Now onto a personal note. As you have probably noticed, the blog posts as of late haven’t been as long. We have some exciting new things we will be trying on the blog as well as some other platforms moving forward. Stay tuned to some changes in the next few weeks. I’d love to hear any feedback whether positive or negative. Feel free to talk about what kind of posts you like as well. You can either comment on Facebook, text/message me, or send feedback to the blog’s e-mail at

Thank you all for following the blog so far. There’s some exciting things coming shortly!

-Written by Adam Birchmeier


The End of an Era


Two Year Well Child