Dear Madelynn

Note: I’m taking part in a leadership cohort through our local chamber of commerce. One of the sites we visited this past week had us write a letter to ourselves, dated one year in the future. It got my creative juices flowing for this week’s blog.

Dear Madelynn,

First and foremost, your mother and I love you. We couldn’t imagine our lives without you. I’m writing this letter to you, almost a year since your diagnosis. If I knew then, what I know now, I would’ve saved myself a lot of tears.

I promise you that I will continue learning about Angelman Syndrome. This isn’t because this syndrome defines you, I just want to help you in the best way possible. I will continue traveling the country and I will spare no expense to make sure we’re caring for you properly.

I promise I will continue immersing you in the world around you. There are so many wonderful places in this world, that you deserve to experience. There are so many activities that I will share with you. No matter where you are in your development, I will make sure you have access to the wonders of this life.

I hope you continue to be an independent young lady. I promise to continue pushing you to be as self sufficient as possible. I know I complain about how messy you get at dinner, but I’m so proud that you take the initiative to feed yourself. Even if you do miss your mouth 30% of the time.

I’m so proud that you adjusted to daycare. It can be scary leaving the safety of our home. You’ve started to thrive in your new environment. This time next year, you’ll be starting school. I have no doubt you will thrive there as well. Leaving the nest can be a scary place, for you and for me. I promise I will be there at the end of each and every single day, to see your face light up.

I’m going to make you work hard at therapy. I know spending an hour and a half in the car and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone isn’t your idea of fun. You’ve made so much progress. I hope you make even greater strides in the year to come.

I will let you be a kid. Even though therapy is a drag, I will make sure you don’t get burnt out. You have your whole life to work hard. Sometimes you just have to play. I will let you explore the world around you, and I’ll let you get yourself into a little bit of trouble. Your happiness is the most important thing to me.

I hope you keep your smile. You brighten up any room you are in. You are the most important thing to me. I will make sure you are safe, comfortable, and loved each and every single day of your life.

You will probably never read this letter but these are my hopes and dreams for you. I cannot wait to look back a year from now and see if I’ve kept my promises to you. I hope I will.

Stay beautiful, stay kind, and keep being curious. I will protect you from danger, but I will also let you get into trouble, the good kind.

I Love You With All My Heart,

Your Dad

-Written by Adam Birchmeier


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