Angelman Walk

We did it. Team Maddie’s Joy attended their first Angelman Syndrome Foundation walk. This event was held simultaneously throughout the country. For the state of Michigan, we were a few miles outside of Ann Arbor in Milan, Michigan.

I couldn’t help but notice the symbolism in this year’s walk. We drove through a torrential rain storm. When we arrived the storm clouds did not let up. There was thunder and lightning, puddles on the ground, chaos all around as all of the teams gathered underneath one pavilion. Then an hour in, the storm broke. The sun came out and soon the playground was overrun by children and their families.

This was a lot like Maddie’s year. She was diagnosed on December 3rd, 2021. There was constant uncertainty. Nicole and I had to scramble to learn the basics of this genetic disorder. We couldn’t see a path forward. Every twitch Maddie made, sent a shiver down our spine. Then there was sun again. We learned to manage Maddie’s care. We celebrated the small wins. We are blessed with our giggly girl, each and every day.

It was so refreshing to see the Angel families and their friends. Nicole and I were able to connect with a few parents. We saw individuals with Angelman Syndrome that had a wide variety of abilities and skills. What we saw most of all, was all the love and support that makes the Angelman Syndrome community so near and dear to our hearts.

The walk was .3 miles. All throughout the course there were signs about this syndrome. There were signs for the individuals with Angelman Syndrome. Our team consisted of family and friends. While some couldn’t make the trip, we know they were with us in spirit. Team Maddie’s Joy ended up raising $1,130 and we are just blown away. Thank you all so much for your donations as well as your prayers. Your support day in and day out helps us through the most difficult days.

As I looked around the event, I think the journey we’ve been on hit me very hard. I became overwhelmed and felt like I was just going to bawl my eyes out. I was able to swallow the knot in my throat and overcome it. It did make me stop and reflect.

I do not know why we were blessed with Madelynn Joan. I do know that I am thankful that we were. I am thankful for the support system that is around us. From our family, to our friends, to the Angelman Syndrome community at large. I looked around that event and saw the love, the joy, and the determination of each team. I cannot wait for next year, I hope you’ll join us again.

-Written by Adam Birchmeier


A Year in Review


Sunrise, Sunset