A New Adventure

Maddie Swinging at Daycare

It is so hard to let your child go. Since Nicole started her new position at work, we had to find additional childcare for Maddie. This week Maddie started a new adventure, daycare.

Now if you've looked for a daycare recently, you've probably realized there aren't that many that are accepting new children. Then you throw a special needs diagnosis on top of it, we felt pretty hopeless and dejected. Thankfully Nicole was pretty relentless in the pursuit of a daycare.

I learned something new while calling around to daycares, most do not seem very accommodating to special needs children. I understand the practicalities of their hesitation. I heard more than once that Nicole and I would have to cover the cost of a daycare hiring an employee to help with Maddie's care.

I was torn when I was told this. On one hand, our daughter's safety is first and foremost. I understand that a special needs child with a diagnosis that is rarely ever heard of, can be an intimidating child to take on. On the other hand, these daycares did not meet Maddie. They had no clue what she even looked like, let alone what her skill set was.

All told, we were feeling pretty defeated. We did not know if we could make daycare work. Paying a staff member of a daycare for 20 hours a week, on top of paying the daycare just to care for Maddie was not financially practical. Of course there are programs through the state that would help partially cover childcare costs for Maddie due to her diagnosis, but it was nowhere near enough to make this a practical endeavour. What would be the point of taking a promotion, when your child care costs end up being more than your raise?

Then Nicole made one more phone call. There was a sliver of hope. A daycare in our area was taking new children. Not only was this daycare taking new children, they would allow Maddie to attend part time. Nicole made a decision that ended up working in our favor.

Time and time again I like to say Maddie is more than her diagnosis. She's just a child with a great smile, that just takes in the world a little differently. Nicole decided that we would not share Maddie's diagnosis with this daycare, until we came in for an interview.

We toured the facility and introduced Maddie to their director. We loved their facility and got to meet a few of their employees. I held my breath as Nicole started to explain Angelman Syndrome. To my surprise, the director didn't even blink. She said something that sealed the deal for me, "How can we help her develop?"

I almost couldn't believe my ears. Not only were they willing to take on this challenge, they were there to help Maddie along in her journey. They wanted more information on Angelman Syndrome of course, but they wanted to help us help Maddie.

Now the first two days of daycare were a little rough for our little one. She didn't really want to eat or nap. I am so happy that we've found the daycare that we have. They are genuinely invested in Maddie and have already made some adjustments in order to better serve Maddie's needs. If you're in the area and need childcare, I have the place you need to go.

Maddie Taking In Her New Surroundings

-Written by Adam Birchmeier


A Quick Preview


The Other Side of Grief